Monday, April 15, 2013


This morning I played Volleyball at the church gym with a bunch of fun women.  It was a blast and we have so much fun.  Everyone is on different skill levels.  I know that I have improved a lot since I started playing 5 ish years ago.  I will never be that good but it is a great workout and we had 10 people show up today.  We laugh the whole time.  Sometimes it is more competitive than others.  I had a lot of energy and endurance from the Herbalife protein shake early this morning and the Herbalife protein bar that I ate right before volleyball.  I didn't get hungry or run out of energy.  I love it and I hope that we get enough people to play each week so that I can continue to improve.


Monday, April 8, 2013

Blog Slacker

It took me a little bit to even find my blog so that I could make a new post.  I have been so bad about posting and I will try to do better.  What's new? Not much.  Everybody is growing up fast and I will have to give a more lengthy update next time I get on.  I hope that it is soon!