Sunday, January 28, 2018

Huge BlendTec Blender

James and I both got some new Sunday clothes so I wanted to have a picture with my handsome boy. I bought my blue shirt from DI a few weeks ago when Shanna and I went shopping together to find her some clothes.  James and I found 2 pairs of Sunday pants for him from DI as well for $6 each and i just had to hem them.  He is growing up so fast.  He was happy to have pants that fit.  I used my store credit from missionary returns from down east to get the navy skirt.  

 Dad and I visited Grandma Stanley on Monday.  She is doing pretty well.  She is at Stonehenge care center in Orem.  She was cute in her yellow flower shirt.  I brought some of Dad's birthday cake to share with her.  She was thrilled and shared some with Dad and Robert who was there as well.  She has physical therapy every day and has to take pain medication before it so she wont have so much pain.  She says everything she does is hard and she cant make trips to the bathroom without help.

 Dad and I went to Blendtec when we were down in Orem to get a replacement lid for my blender.  I had to show you a pic of the entry to the building.  haha! it was pretty cool.  It is a huge facility.  It is just down the street from Michelles apartment past Geneva Road.  They have a restaurant called the Bistro so we went in there to check it out.  Mostly it is a cafeteria style place for the employees but it is open to the public.  They have lots of fried foods and a salad bar and a smoothie menu.  We got some smoothies.
 I also was able to babysit for Charlotte this week while Shanna went to an appointment and grocery shopping.  She is a very bright spot in my week.  What a sweet angel she is.  I love every moment I get with her.  She is getting so big already.

We painted James room yesterday.  James helped me.  Dad did most of the prep before he went to work this week.  I will take and send pictures once we get it all cleaned up and get him moved in.  He is excited.  Friday kaye and I were able to go to grandma and grandpa J's to help.  Then once I got home and got James to soccer practice then I went to the temple for initiatories.   Saturday night we had the sushi night at Francine and Adam Wright's house.  We bought the sushi dinner at the youth fundraiser 2 or 3 years in a row.  Dad wasn't able to go and I had to leave early to get james to his game.  Adam is really nice and makes plant based sushi for me with sweet potatoes, carrots, cucumbers, avocado and different combinations of each.  After James game we came home and fed the boys again and watched (with eyes closed) a movie.  Barb Kluger was called to be the primary chorister and she did it for the first time today.  She did great but she was really nervous.  We are getting new families in our ward every week.  They are building houses in the area on the west side of our neighborhood and they are in our ward.  There are expected to be 150 new families within the year.  

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Dad's Birthday & Jacob the Eagle

Dad and I went to visit grandma Stanley on Tuesday.  She seems to be doing pretty well. We had a pretty good conversation once she put her hearing aids in.  She is doing physical therapy and enjoying a constant flow of visitors of her posterity! I went to visit and help Shanna and Charlotte on Wednesday for a few hours.  Shanna was able to get dressed and get a few things done.  I had cub scouts that day.  Saturday afternoon was Starlee’s baby shower.  It was great to see everybody.  Starlee looks so cute. Sydney gave her farewell talk today.  She did a great job.  She goes to Guatemala MTC on January 30th! We came home and went to the last 2 hours of church.  Then Jacob had his board of review for his eagle.  He is officially an eagle now.  Shanna and Christian came over for dads birthday dinner! He wanted pork chops so I made those in the crock pot while we were at church and I made mashed potatoes and gravy, salad, steamed broccoli and 2 different recipes of German chocolate cake all saturday because today was so busy. After we had a quick dinner, then James and dad and I went back to the church where they had a priesthood preview and now they are doing it different where it is called priesthood and Temple preview and the girls come to it too and they talk about preparing to go do baptisms at the Temple to the boys and girls. It was really nice. I played the piano for it.  I am super tired and ready to sleep! I love you! Have a great week! 

Sunday, January 14, 2018

January Adventures

Jacob and Dad went to the President's Cup Tournament in Mesquite Thursday through Sunday.  Jacob's team lost the first 2 games and won the 3rd game over Carter Gray's team.  
 Charlotte is such a sweet baby.  I got to spend 2 different days this week with Shanna and Charlotte.  Christian was there one of the days.

 James is doing better after getting his tonsils out.  We have had a lot of time together over the last few weeks.  He finally went back to school half a day Thursday and half a day Friday.  Then he got to go race go carts for Abe's birthday party on Saturday.  He is feeling a lot better and sleeping a lot better.
Jacob turned 16 and since James was not really eating much solid foods then just Dad and I and Jacob went out to dinner for his birthday.  He chose sushi.  It was nice to spend some time together with Jacob.
Wednesday, Grandma Stanley fell and broke her hip and hurt her head and ankle as well.  She crawled over to the phone and called Jessica who had stayed home sick from work that day.  She ran up and called 911 and got grandma to the ER.  They had to do surgery on grandmas hip to put a rod and screws in it.  The surgery went well and she is doing pretty good.  She will go to a rehab center soon.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Happy New Year & Jacob's Birthday

It was so fun to have Shanna and Christian and Charlotte sleep over last weekend for New Years eve.  They stayed Saturday and Sunday night.  They went home on Monday.  Tuesday, James and Jacob went back to school.  Wednesday, James had surgery to have his tonsils out.  He was a trooper.  He did really well.  His throat hurts really bad and over the last few days, he has had a lot of pain.  He does pretty well during the day but has a lot of pain during the night.  We have smoothies, jello, pudding, yogurt, applesauce, Gatorade, popsicles, ice cream, juice boxes. He has eaten a tiny amount of those things but not much.  It hurts for him to eat or drink so I have to constantly remind him to drink to hydrate his throat.  James and I have pretty much been watching all of the star wars movies on DVDs that we borrowed from the Myers.  I have had a lot of pain this week from falling.  We went ice skating about 10 days ago and my toe pick hit the ice and I fell hard and fast on my knee and my shoulder and both sides of my ribs.  It completely knocked the breath out of me and I just laid there for several minutes.  James and Dad and others were leaning over me to see if I was ok.  I finally got up and went and sat down for the rest of the time while Dad and James were ice skating.  I have gone to the chiropractor a few times this week.  Rib injuries are awful because It really affects my whole posture and my core hurts to do everything.  It will be fine but for now really annoying.  So we keep watching movies and I try to get what little work done that I can.  Tonight Grandma and Grandpa J and Christian, Shanna & Charlotte came over for a family birthday party for Jacob. He is turning 16 tomorrow! I cant even believe it!.