Sunday, October 29, 2017

Shanna's Baby Shower/James' primary Program

This week has been another good one. James had his last soccer game of the season.  They lost but played hard.  Sydney received her call to Guatemala city Central, Guatemala MTC Spanish speaking and she will fly to the MTC on January 31st.

I have been busy getting the house cleaned and ready for the baby shower.  Painting & scrubbing, etc. Wednesday, I helped set up the church for pinewood derby and then I went to the parenting class and Dad came later and met me there.  He wasn't feeling good so he had to leave to go home early.  There are so many things I didn't get done but it is nice to have a deadline event to get things done.  Thursday I spent most of the day getting groceries and errands done and picked up everything for the shower.    Friday, Francine and Bentley and Colter Wright helped me decorate.  I will include pictures of the decorations for the shower.  It turned out so beautiful.  Next, I started baking and finishing all of the prep for the shower.  I was up until midnight a few nights this week getting everything done.  Saturday Morning James and I had to be to the church by 9 am to practice for the primary program.  We practiced until 11 and then hurried home.  I hurried and changed and got everything set up for the baby shower.  Then I ran and picked up Jacob from soccer practice.  I hurried back home to be ready for the shower.  We had such a great turn out! I had Starlee do the flowers.  Shanna looked so cute and she looks adorable pregnant.  Both Grandmas came but I didn't get them in pics.  Everybody was so sweet and we had so many people come and show their love and support.  

Next I hurried and made some white chili and went to the ward Halloween party.  I was so exhausted and didn't even have time to get my costume on.  After the party James and I watched a movie.  I didn't see much of it.  This morning was the primary program.  James did a great job.  He was one of the narrators.  It was his last program and it finally hit me and made me so emotional.  It was very cool that he was sitting right by me.  I felt my Saviors Love and help as I played those songs and he helped me to get through the program.  One of the songs that we taught the kids this year was " The Miracle".  Here are some of the words of that song.  "Jesus is a God of Miracles.  Nothing is at all impossible to Him.  But I know this: Of all His miracles, the most incredible must be the miracle that rescues me." As I was playing that song during the program I worried that I would mess up and then I thought about what they were singing and I knew it was for me too, that the most incredible must be the miracle that rescues me.  The children did a beautiful job.  The spirit was so strong and I was so thankful I could be a part of making that beautiful music.  My Mom and Dad came and their friends Rudy and Anna came and we all had lunch together after church.  We cleaned up and then I took a nap, my visiting teachers came over, then dinner!  It has been a full week.


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