Sunday, April 8, 2018

Buddy the dog

Ever since Zoey passed away, the boys have been begging to get a puppy.  We would talk about it once in a while and then not really do anything about it.  This week was spring break and so we started our quest to find a dog.  We had been looking at KSL but hadn't gone to look at any of them yet.  We started out (Dad, Jacob, James & I) going to puppy barn. A few of the pictures are at puppy barn. That puppy james was holding at the puppy barn did a big pile of diarrhea on the bale of hay right after i took this picture.  We did not get a puppy from puppy barn.  They were super expensive.  We went and looked at an animal shelter in Lindon and the humane society in Murray and there were just not any good options available.  All of this was just research to us to find what would be good or not.  By this time Jacob was done! We went back home.  We went back to KSL and narrowed it down to a handful and i started texting and finding out which ones we could go and see.  When it came down to it, we found this puppy for $150 on KSL.  We went Tuesday night to go see him and get him and we all fell in love with him and had the cash ready so we adopted him on the spot and went straight to Walmart and bought a bunch of equipment and food etc, while Jacob babysat the puppy in the car.  The boys were so excited, Jacob kept saying this puppy is so beautiful on the way home and he took a selfie and posted it on social media.  It made me so happy and he told us that girls were saying how adorable his puppy was.  James and Jacob both have been taking turns taking the puppy out to go potty and we are trying to train them to train the puppy.  I forgot to tell you the most important part! His name is "Buddy" the dog like "buddy the Elf" .   Dad is already calling him different names though which i think is so funny! Dad is the king of nicknames!

Starlee did get to go home from the hospital last Monday.  She will have a really long recovery.  I think she cant even pick up the baby by herself for several weeks.  She is still having problems with her kidneys and has to have dialysis a few times a week.  It is just such a blessing and we are so grateful that she is alive and able to go home with her husband and baby now.  Amy was able to stay with her through Friday and then mckays mom came to stay with her for a week.  Grandma Jacobs and i hope that we will be able to take a turn and help her as well.   

Dad and James and I were able to go to the Jordan River Temple open house.  It is really beautiful.  I wondered which things were original and which was new.  I recognized some things that were different but cant really remember the rest of it.  I feel like since it was closed for so long that most everything was redone.   I am thrilled that they will open that temple back up to relieve some of the pressure on oquirrh mountain temple.  We didn't get to see charlotte since easter sunday but Shanna sent us the picture on her tummy with her head up during the week.  She is growing so fast! 

My shoulder seems to be getting better all the time.  I have still been going to do the treatments and i have some good days and some bad days.  I prepped our bedroom to paint Saturday but Dad woke up and threw up for a few hours during the night and i woke up with aches and fever so Dad stayed home from work and we all just laid around and were lazy all day Saturday.  I got james to his game in the late afternoon but other than that we barely did anything.  Dad and I both felt better by Saturday night.  I will paint tomorrow.

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