Sunday, December 23, 2018

Our 32nd anniversary

Dad and I celebrated our anniversary this week. We have now been married for 32 years! I found and bought these nightstands on ksl for our bedroom.  I really like them and excited to have a place for my lamp right next to my bed and a matching nightstand for Dad too.

 Charlotte hung out with me one day this week and so Shanna could finish up her semester including finals and assignments etc.
 Charlotte is so helpful with the dishwasher!
 Charlotte loves this huge bear.  I know I sent a pic of her with this bear from last week too.
 Dad & james and I went to see the tree of life lights!  That was the first time we went to see those!  It was pretty cool.  We went out for dinner at Teriyaki Grill in draper.

Dad and I went to the temple and out to Vietnamese food for lunch. The rest of the day that was supposed to be our anniversary celebration vacation day turned out to be a lot of adult responsibilities and not much of a vacation! We were able to spend time together and that is the best!

 Today, we only had sacrament meeting for the Christmas program and I sang in the choir.  Since our ward has grown so much we have a lot of people in the choir which makes it a lot less awkward.  We had Echo Hayes and Aaron Pease accompany the choir on flutes.  Some primary children also sang with the choir for the songs.  It was really nice.  This afternoon we were able to go visit grandma and grandpa Jacobs.  They were so thankful for our visit.

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