Sunday, October 7, 2018

General Conference

 Monday we had a few things to take care of and then Dad left from our home on his bike.  I left a few hours later driving Dad's Jetta.  My phone was dead when I got in the car but I plugged it in and had to get started in the general direction.  As I was driving in the direction I needed to go I realized that my phone still wasn't coming alive.  I changed the cord and charger to a different hole as I was going along and after an hour of driving I still had no way to track Dad's location.  I started just looking around to find the roads that the Jordan River Trail crosses to see if I can see Dad anywhere.  I stopped one time to get gas so I wouldn't run out.  I kept driving and staying close to the parks that are by the trail.  I finally decided to stop at another gas station and I asked for directions to the park that I knew Dad and I were planning on meeting at so I could give him water and snacks.  I had an idea to get a portable phone charger and a cord to plug it into the car.  I plugged that in and started looking for the park.  My phone finally came alive right after I plugged it in.  I pulled over and tracked Dad immediately and then called him to find out how he was.  He said he just finished and we figured out that I was only about 10 minutes away from  him.  I hurried and picked him up.  Dad had ridden his bike 46 miles.  He did awesome.  He had no idea that I was panicking and not able to find him for hours.  The plan was I was going to go where he could pass by me a few times so I could see how he was doing and he wouldn't have to be by him self the whole time.  I was so thankful I was finally able to find him.  I also was finally able to call and check on the boys.  Next we went to the Humphreys house and Dad changed his clothes and then we went out to dinner In Ogden at an Asian restaurant.  We had a great time.
This is a cute pic of Charlotte that Shanna sent me.  

 My wrist is feeling so much better and so I am able to pick up Charlotte now.  I was able to bring her over to my house and take care of her for a few hours so Shanna can get some school work done.  That makes me so happy.  I do still have to be very careful and have to still wear the brace.  I went to the Specialist on Monday and they told me that I would not need surgery.  Now it has been a month since I fell.  This week my arm has been feeling so much better.
 What can I say about this? Beautiful family picture.
Fun visiting Shanna and having lunch with her.  

 Shanna and I went out for smoothies at the Protein Foundry in the district.  Then we went to our church building where they were NOT broadcasting the Womens conference.  We hurried and went to my house and watched it in the office on my laptop.
 Yesterday I painted my nails while James and I watched conference.
 Tanner McKissick is engaged. Wahoo.  Her name is Kamri.

Buddy likes to watch the boys come and go and everything that goes on in the neighborhood.

 Christian, Shanna & Charlotte came over for lunch and conference.  It was so fun to hang out with them.  Jacob was nearby but did not sit with us while we watched conference.  Notice Dad and I both have braces on our wrists.  Dad hurt his wrist somehow during his hockey game the other night.

 Jacob really is proud of his hair.  We are trying to choose our battles.  As much as I would like him to cut it, I really have much worse things to worry about than that.

James and I built some space ships with legos during conference.

Can you believe all of the changes and wonderful things that are happening in the church?  2 hour block schedule and new home and individual "Come follow me" curriculum, ministering etc., 12 new temples announced today.  It is miraculous.  

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